As specialist tutors we are qualified to teach students with dyslexia, dyscalculia and other SpLD. Each tutor has is an Associate Membership of the BDA (AMBDA). A tutor is able to give individual attention and can set the pace of learning to suit you.
Five Steps Principe
1.Assessment to include recommended support level.
2.An initial Teacher-Adult lesson to teach the skills and topics for learning in the coming weeks.
3.A series of 1:1 Teacher-Pupil lessons.
4.Follow-up Teacher-Adult feedback after every 5 Pupil lessons to explain the next stage.
5.Online feedback in the shared virtual Classroom between Teacher-Adult-Pupil.
Dyslexia Tuition
Depending on the child’s assessed needs we provide five one hour sessions of one-on-one Tutorials to support the recommendations of the dyslexia asssessment.
By Appointment
Cost £200
Dyscalculia Tuition
Depending on the child’s assessed needs we provide five one hour sessions of one-on-one Tutorials to support the recommendations of the dyscalculia assessment.
By Appointment
Cost £595
Pre Assessment
Prior to assessment there are number of questionnaires that are required. Please download the relevant forms.
Pre Assessment Questionnaires
Print off and complete the background forms and send them to back. Alternatively, the Background Questionnaire can be scanned/photographed and returned by e-mail.
Documents for Completion