
With a full diagnostic assessment, you’ll gain a wealth of information about your child’s educational needs.  Our diagnostic services involve assessing your child for a range of learning difficulties.

Assessment and Screening

 2023 Schedule

Dyslexia Assessment

A full diagnostic assessment determines whether the person’s  problems may be specific to reading or whether they are related to other difficulties.  A report is produced advising on how you might best help your child to move forward.

By Appointment
Cost £595

Dyscalculia Assessment

A full diagnostic assessment determines whether the person’s  problems may be specific to mathematics or whether they are related to other difficulties.  A report is produced advising on how you might best help your child to move forward.

By Appointment
Cost £595

Dyslexia Screener

Screening tests are designed to give an indication of possible dyslexic difficulties. They are not a diagnosis. Where any screening test indicates a moderate or high probability of dyslexic difficulties, the best course of action is to follow up with a full diagnostic assessment. 

By Appointment
Cost £95

Dyscalculia Screener

Dyscalculia screeners aims to highlight dyscalculic tendencies, so that you can identify and offer help to individuals.Where any screening test indicates a moderate or high probability of dyslexic difficulties, the best course of action is to follow up with a full diagnostic assessment. 

By Appointment
Cost £95

Why get Assessed?

A full diagnostic assessment, where appropriate, provides a diagnosis of dyslexia (based on the definition of dyslexia).

The assessment will include measures of reading, handwriting, spelling, verbal and visual short-term memory, phonological memory, phonological awareness, speed of processing and visual and verbal ability.

A full assessment can help to ensure that the learner receives appropriate support to help them succeed and make progress in their education and everyday life.

A diagnosis can help dyslexic learners to gain a deeper understanding of their learning styles and help to build their self-esteem.



The Assessment Process

An assessment takes between 4-6 hours to complete and will include short breaks when needed. It is recommended for younger students that the assessment is completed in two sittings.

Following the assessment written report will be completed within 2 weeks. The report will include a diagnosis (if appropriate) with supporting evidence.

The report will discuss areas of strength and areas for development along with implications for educational settings.

The report will also include detailed and practical recommendations for the education provider/workplace setting. If suitable, recommendations for exam conditions such as extra time, readers, scribes, may also be included in the report.

The assessment process may highlight signs of other specific learning difficulties, these may be discussed in the report along with recommendations for further support and referrals to other agencies.

All reports are written in accordance with current SASC guidelines.

See for further details.



Pre Assessment

Prior to assessment there are number of questionnaires that are required. Please download the relevant forms.

Pre Assessment Questionnaires

Download and complete the  and send them back to us.  Alternatively, the background questionnaires can be scanned/photographed and returned by e-mail.

Documents for Completion

Dyscalculia Pre Assessment Tests

Download and complete the background forms and send them back to us.  Alternatively, the background questionnaire can be scanned/photographed and returned by e-mail.

Documents for Completion

Inclusive Learning

Disability Student Allowance

Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) is a government grant given to students in Higher Education with additional needs. This grant can help pay for specialist equipment.

DSA can be a considerable financial aid for dyslexic university students, helping to pay for learning aids such as specialist software and technology or a professional note-taker in lectures. The reports produced following a diagnostic assessment can be used to support DSA applications for your child